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Background image position CSS
You would normally use tow values for x and Y axis.

I have the standard CSS for changing the background position on :hover, but the CSS3 transition slides the image up and down with the position. Instead, I want it to simply fade in and out to the new position. Hello world background-position: bottom right; rebellion's answer above won't actually work, because to CSS, 'background-position' is actually shorthand for 'background-position-x' and 'background-position … This is a more efficient way to code your background image properties.
CSS Media Query is used to display the image with background-position: 80% on mobile, while keeping its default position on desktop. CSS body { background-image:url(my_css_bg_image.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position: center; } The background positioning is a complex property and it has really lots of options. Is this possible when working with one image and two positions or will I have to make two separate images (which isn't happening)? For example, adding the class md:bg-top to an element would apply the bg-top utility at medium screen sizes and above. As mentioned, the CSS background property allows you to add all your background related properties all in one go.. The background image will be positioned at 0% on the horizontal axis and 0% on the vertical axis, which means the top left corner of the element. To control the position of an element's background image at a specific breakpoint, add a {screen}: prefix to any existing background position utility. Centered & No Repeating The background Property. To … This way, you have to define four values (two keyword–number pairs) in total. If you skip a numerical value, it will be set to 0 by default: Media Query. Declaring just one value for the CSS background-position property defines the horizontal offset, and the vertical offset is set to center by default.. You can also combine keywords with numeric values to define the background position in CSS. Here are various examples of using the background property to specify the background position..

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