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Lonohana hawaiian estate chocolate
The company harvests the fruit, ferments and dries the beans, and then handcrafts small batches of chocolate bars every few weeks in their Honolulu factory, with no two … Everything starts in the orchard and then evolves at every step of the production process so that the … Chocolate-loving kama‘aina, rejoice! Lonohana Estate Chocolate LLC is not responsible for acts of God, weather or catastrophic events, which would prevent cacao being harvested and/or chocolate produced in the future.

Giving entirely new meaning to farm-to-table, Lonohana Estate Chocolate grows its own cacao beans on O‘ahu’s North Shore, makes its own products and sells them in its very own tasting bar.

December Factory Open Hours Posted by lonohana under Uncategorized Leave a Comment Saturdays in December, we’ll have open factory hours from 10-3, so please stop by to talk story and grab some chocolate. Lonohana Estate Chocolate is a startup company establishing cacao groves on the north shore and windward coast of Oahu, Hawaii. Our aim is to create a vertically integrated, fully organic system that will create fine, craft-scale finished chocolate from our own crops right here on the north shore.

Growing cacao and making chocolate on Oahu. Planting their first cacao trees in 2009, this estate chocolate company now farms 14 acres of cacao by hand on Oahu’s north shore. They harvest the fruit, ferment and dry the beans, then handcraft small batches of chocolate bars every few weeks at their factory in Honolulu. 1,299 Followers, 122 Following, 160 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Lonohana Estate Chocolate (@lonohana) We’ll make sure there’s something delicious to try.

Similarly, for centuries chocolate and chilies have been combined, yet more typically in … We make sure to highlight the cacao as well as the added ingredients, not letting any one over-power the others. December 2, 2013. As in all of our chocolate bars, we strive for a true balance in flavors and exceptional texture. Lonohana Estate Chocolate propagated our own cacao seedlings, planted their first trees in 2009, and now farm 14 acres of cacao by hand on the North Shore of Oahu. Lonohana Estate Chocolate/Facebook.

Lonohana Estate Chocolate/Facebook . The hunt for locally and sustainably made cocoa products is over, and the results are wildly delicious. Limited Edition Bars.
This is a great chance for members to order more of a specific favorite, or for people who just want to try out our bars on an individual basis. After delivering Lonohana Chocolate Club members' shipments, we typically have a few extra bars available for purchase. Hawaiian chiles are legendary for their heat and find their way into many foods here on the islands. Parking right in front of the … Lonohana Estate Chocolate.

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