Air France OCC has never got through a catastrophe with such an extreme level of alert. Coronavirus : Air France permet aux clients d’annuler tous leurs vols jusqu’au 31 mai L'objectif est de rassurer dans le contexte incertain de l'épidémie de coronavirus. Air France has been working in close collaboration with the national and international health authorities since the outbreak of the coronavirus.

Air France-KLM s’attend, pour l’année 2020, à une baisse de sa facture de carburant de 300 millions d’euros. Le 13 février, l'entreprise annonçait pourtant tabler sur un retour dans le vert en 2020, après avoir … - Due to the closure of Paris-Orly airport since April 1st, flights to/from the French overseas departments and to/from Toulouse, Nice and Marseille are transferred to … Air France-KLM expects to cancel 3,600 flights in March and for capacity on its European network to be cut by 25% as the coronavirus continues to spread globally.. According to the Dutch part of the combination, Air France needs to drastically cut costs, but it seems increasingly unlikely that the French airline will do so given the 7 billion euros bailout the French government is providing, people involved told Financieele Retrouvez nos mesures pour adapter votre voyage à la situation sanitaire (coronavirus COVID-19). EU clears 7 billion euros in state aid for Air France 2 Min Read FILE PHOTO: Air France planes on the tarmac at Paris Charles de Gaulle airport in Roissy-en-France, March 24, 2020. Air France coronavirus bailout package to demand steep emissions cuts.

Air France refund request. Air France and KLM say they will be asking customers to wear a mask throughout their journey from next Monday. Et ce, à cause des effets du coronavirus sur le trafic aérien, qui impactera négativement les résultats du groupe franco-néerlandais. Note that in addition to the Covid-19 health crisis measures implemented by the company, starting on May 11 2020, you will have to wear a mask on all Air France flights. Air France's top priority is the health and safety of its customers and employees in France and around the world. Please complete the form below for any question about ticket refund. TICKET REFUNDS * All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory For a coronavirus-related refund request, please complete the refund form available on the "FLIGHT UPDATE - ADJUSTING YOUR TRAVEL PLANS" page at the top of our homepage. Coronavirus: Air France permet d’annuler les vols jusqu’au 31 mai. Along with the "definitive end of Air France Airbus A380 operations", Air France-KLM announced a 500 million euro writedown to reflect the early retirement of the plane, which was to have remained in … PARIS (Reuters) - Air France will permanently withdraw its Airbus A380 superjumbos from service in response to the coronavirus crisis, the airline said on Wednesday. Norwegian Air Shuttle est par exemple revenu ce jeudi 5 mars sur ses prévisions pour l'année en cours, en raison du COVID-19 qui accentue les difficultés du transporteur à bas coûts. Air France Hop flights which normally depart from this terminal will instead be operated by Air France and depart from Terminal 2F. ... Air France adapte son programme de vols et rassemble ses activités parisiennes à l'aéroport Paris-Charles de Gaulle. The proposed deal formed part of a €10bn package from the French and Dutch governments to the Air France … The KLM management thinks that the current coronavirus crisis could mean the end of the Air France-KLM combination. Air France has been working in close collaboration with the national and international health authorities (WHO, CDC, French Health Department) since the outbreak of the coronavirus in China. Air France refund request. Le coronavirus pèse sur les recettes des compagnies aériennes et a de lourdes conséquences sur les acteurs les plus fragiles.

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